Todd Bratrud
illustrator working mostly within the skateboard world. based in Grand Forks, ND. Google me, you'll get the picture... soaked
9.3 x 10 cm
10 x 8.8 cm
7.8 x 10 cm
12 x 2.5 cm
Steve Buscemi AKA Lenny Wozniak
12 x 13 cm
Preston Harper
6.7 x 9.0 cm
Play and Catch
5.8 x 13 cm
Tusken Raiders
8.6 x 8.8 cm
6.4 x 10 cm
12 x 14 cm
Soylent Green Glue
7.2 x 13 cm
Shut up brain
5.8 x 7.0 cm
Send Help Caveira
6.7 x 14 cm
Send Help Viking
9.4 x 13 cm
Ajuda à direita
9.0 x 11 cm
Ajuda à esquerda
8.9 x 11 cm